
Whether it’s for family meal time or for guests, we have a list of wholesome recipes for you, ready in minutes!

Tempura Natural Squid Rings with Char Grilled Pineapple Salad

Panko Prawns With Courgette Tart And Tomato Couli

Petit Ratatouille With Pacific West Kuro Prawns

Salt & Pepper Squidsin Niçoise Salad with French Dressing

Salt & Pepper Squids with Mango & Tomato Salsa Lemon Wedges

Three Cups Fish Cocktails

Tempura Natural Squid Rings with Char Grilled Pineapple Salad

Panko Prawns With Courgette Tart And Tomato Couli

Petit Ratatouille With Pacific West Kuro Prawns

Salt & Pepper Squidsin Niçoise Salad with French Dressing

Salt & Pepper Squids with Mango & Tomato Salsa Lemon Wedges

Three Cups Fish Cocktails